The quality of the water service also depends on the quality of the infrastructures, and in particular of the aqueduct pipelines. CAP Group manages over 6 thousand kilometres of aqueduct pipelines throughout the metropolitan city of Milan. These pipelines must be kept in perfect efficiency, both through routine maintenance and with the preventive replacement of the sections that are particularly dated, to avoid future breakages with consequent difficulties in service.

Where the existing pipeline is in fibrocement, once the new steel pipeline has been built, the old pipes are removed and disposed of in accordance with current regulations, thus also ensuring the future safety of operators and people residing in the area. The fibrocement pipes, underground and intact, do not constitute a source of danger to public health, but require particular maintenance, carried out in absolute safety.

CAP Group has mapped 74 km of fibrocement pipeline in its territory, which will be progressively replaced. The scheduling of this multi-year and flexible activity based on new data and priorities that may emerge, plans to complete the replacement in 2037.