Stakeholder engagement

Dialogue with stakeholders and discussions about company strategies and priorities are the real driver of our sustainability plan.


We engage with stakeholders using an approach that reflects our three key pillars.



We listen and dialogue with the territory to make our service efficient and in line with citizens’ needs.



To best manage water resources, we involve associations, professionals and citizens in our decisions.



We work to improve our service, which is why we constantly engage in discussions with the scientific and academic community.



We employ different methods and channels to engage stakeholders.


We create initiatives for students focusing on sustainability and the environment


We speak with institutions, directors and associations


We participate in reports and research relating to the water service


We promote cultural and social events for the community


We consult with our customers to ensure optimal service


We promote visits to our premises and facilities


We communicate our values to employees through different activities


Materiality analysis

Materiality analysis is the fundamental pillar for identifying and assessing issues that significantly affect an organisation's ability to create value over time. Stakeholders are actively engaged to identify and assess the material topics that determine ‘the most significant impacts of the company on the economy, environment and people, including impacts on human rights.’ Stakeholder engagement is essential in this process, as it determines a tangible commitment to responsible and conscious management of the organisation.

Our sustainability strategy is based on a fundamental connection with our stakeholders. It is only through structured dialogue and a constant exchange of ideas that we are able to identify emerging trends and fully understand the context and the territory in which we operate. In this way, we can better plan and design actions for change at every level, in synergy with the needs of the local community and the entire ecosystem. 

In 2023, we conducted the new materiality analysis, which identified 15 material topics.

Materiality analysis 2023

In 2023, we updated our materiality analysis in line with the GRI Standards according to the concept of Impact Materiality, as required by GRI 3: Material Topics 2021. With a view to continuous improvement, we also decided to undertake an initial internal risk and opportunity identification exercise in cooperation with the Enterprise Risk Management department based on ‘Financial Materiality’, as per the latest available draft of the EFRAG Implementation Guidance Materiality Assessment of 6 November 2023.

Circular economy and innovation

Our initiatives in favour of the circular economy and innovation.

Hydraulic risk and overflowing

Our actions to manage the territory and reduce the hydraulic risk.

Big projects

Our cutting-edge projects in the water sector, but not only.

Tap water

Our commitment to ensure good, safe and quality water.