Social Accountability SA 8000, D&I, Gender Equality

SA 8000 Reports and PDR125

SA 8000 and PDR 125 Reporting
The SA 8000 management system is the international standard for certifying corporate social responsibility that covers respect for human rights, respect for workers' rights, protection against the exploitation of minors, and guarantees of safety and health in the workplace.

The UNI PDR 125 management system is the system for gender equality that aims to initiate a process of cultural change in organisations and society as a whole in order to achieve fairer gender equality. It covers the topics of: equal access to work and career and training opportunities, pay equity, support for shared parenting and family care, work-life balance, and prevention of all forms of violence and/or physical, verbal and digital harassment in the workplace.

Anyone who becomes aware of a potentially critical situation or who wishes to make comments, recommendations and/or complaints concerning the workplace and/or non-compliance with the SA8000 standard and UNI PDR 125 "GENDER EQUALITY" is invited to formalise a report in the manner indicated below.

- to Gruppo CAP by e-mail to indicating in the subject line "SIGNALATION SA8000" or "SIGNALATION UNI PDR 125";

The report can also be made anonymously using any e-mail address not traceable to a person/company.

- to  CAP Group by ordinary mail: to the address "CAP Holding SpA, Via Rimini 38, CAP 20142 - Milan" indicating on the envelope "For the attention of SPT";

- to CAP Group via IT Platform: to the address for reports concerning the CAP Group's Ethical Commitment;

- to the SGS Certification Body at the e-mail address (for reports pertaining only to the SA 8000 standard);

- to the International Accreditation Body (for reports concerning the SA 8000 standard only) at the following address: SAAS - 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 605, New York, New York 10010, USA; fax: +212-684-1515

As envisaged in point 9.2 of the SA8000 standard, a Social Performance Team (SPT) has been set up and is operational in the CAP Group. This is a group of people made up of both management and employee representatives, who cooperate in the management and development of the social responsibility system.

The Social Performance Team receives the SA8000 and UNI PDR 125 reports received by the CAP Group, manages them confidentially and, at the end of the analysis and resolution process, provides feedback to the reporter via the e-mail address from which the report was received, but does not carry out any checks or verifications on the actual receipt of feedback to the reporter.