Meter reading
A perfectly functioning water meter helps you save in your bill, because it provides real consumption without errors. There are two types of meters, smart (remote reading) and traditional. Each type has a different reading mode: direct or digital, “hands”, remote. Our operators read the traditional meters periodically, based on the billing frequency established in the Water services charter.
The bill shows the period within which you can carry it out.
How to read your meter
Direct or digital reading
Communicate all the numbers in your self-reporting, reading them from left to right, excluding the thousandths.
"Hands" reading
Only communicate the figures indicated by the red hands, reading them from left to right. If the hand is positioned between two numbers, you should consider the lower one.
Remote reading
Smart meters are fully digital and autonomously communicate the consumption reading thanks to their radio emitters that can send a signal up to 400 m away.
Do self-reading
You can easily self-water from your personal area: log in or register.