Water use and tariffs

Condominium use is a type of use that affects both condominium administrators and private customers who live in small housing complexes served by a single meter.

You can choose between different uses within the contract, depending on your needs. Each use has different tariffs:

  • Condominium use

The supply has one or more meters shared between different housing and non-housing units.

  • Other uses: irrigation and collective use

The supply is used to irrigate condominium gardens or green areas of the condominium.

  • Other uses: different use

The supply is used for the shared parts of the condominium

In case of supplies for condominium use with a single meter shared between different residential and non-residential real estate units, the installation of separate meters can be requested. In fact, separating the meters avoids “mixed” users, which also include non-domestic supplies, usually linked to commercial establishments that access the shared meter. If each apartment is the holder of its own user, it will receive a bill that's more in line with its real consumption, based on the household composition.

For more information, write to assistenza.clienti@gruppocap.it or make an appointment with our technicians by calling customer service at +39 800 428 428.

Request connection

Register in the personal area and activate the service for your condominium

The application of the preferential tariff will be based on the number of apartments that make up the condominium and the number of family members who live in each apartment. In the absence of data on the number of members of the household, a standard criterion is applied which considers three members per apartment. This is why it is important to communicate personal data (residence/non-residence and number of people). If you haven't communicated them yet, please send an email to assistenza.clienti@gruppocap.it. For mixed condominium users, who therefore use the supply for residential and non-residential purposes, the fixed component applies in the same way as for domestic users. For real estate units with non-domestic use, on the other hand, the minimum fixed component established for uses other than residential use will apply (users with meter diameter 15).

€/mc 2023 2024 *
Preferential tariff 0,199655 0,219521
Basic tariff 0,337329 0,370893
Excess tariff I 0,553769 0,608869
Excess tariff II 0,581456 0,639311
Excess tariff III 0,622159 0,684064
Sewer tariff 0,198743 0,218518
Treatment tariff 0,586217 0,644546
€/person/day 2023 2024 *
Aqueduct 0,007302 0,072267
Sewers 0,004869 0,048177
Treatment 0,010041 0,099366

For irrigation and collective use, it is not necessary to communicate the number of household members, moreover there is no preferential tariff bracket, nor is there a tariff related to sewers and treatment. For irrigation and collective uses, the minimum fixed component established for non-domestic use applies (with meter diameter 15). The fixed component is calculated based on the diameter of the installed meter. It is important to carefully assess your supply needs, choosing the best ratio between the meter size and your consumption.

€/mc 2023 2024 *
Preferential tariff - -
Basic tariff 0,322526 0,354617
Excess tariff I 0,338653 0,372349
Excess tariff II 0,355585 0,390966
Excess tariff III 0,380476 0,418333
Sewer tariff non prevista non prevista
Treatment tariff non prevista non prevista
Aqueduct Sewers Treatment Aqueduct Sewers Treatment
Meter diameter 2023 2023 2023 2024 * 2024 * 2024 *
15 0,065727 0,043817 0,090374 0,072267 0,048177 0,099366
20 0,065727 0,043817 0,090374 0,072267 0,048177 0,099366
25 0,087636 0,058424 0,120499 0,096356 0,064237 0,132489
30 0,087636 0,058424 0,120499 0,096356 0,064237 0,132489
40 0,109545 0,073029 0,150623 0,120445 0,080295 0,16561
50 0,175272 0,116846 0,240997 0,192712 0,128472 0,264976
65 0,219088 0,14606 0,301247 0,240887 0,160593 0,331221
80 0,328634 0,219088 0,45187 0,361333 0,240887 0,496831
100 0,438177 0,292118 0,602494 0,481776 0,321184 0,662442
150 0,547722 0,365147 0,753117 0,60222 0,401479 0,828052
>150 0,657265 0,438177 0,903741 0,722663 0,481776 0,993663

For the tariff related to other uses, it is not necessary to communicate the number of household members, moreover there is no preferential tariff bracket, nor is there a tariff related to sewers and treatment. For other uses, the minimum fixed component established for non-domestic use applies (with meter diameter 15). The fixed component is calculated based on the diameter of the installed meter. It is important to carefully assess your supply needs, choosing the best ratio between the meter size and your consumption.

€/mc 2023 2024 *
Preferential tariff - -
Basic tariff 0,545809 0,600117
Excess tariff I 0,56439 0,620547
Excess tariff II 0,59261 0,651575
Excess tariff III 0,634092 0,697184
Sewer tariff 0,198743 0,218518
Treatment tariff 0,586217 0,644546
Aqueduct Sewers Treatment Aqueduct Sewers Treatment
Meter diameter 2023 2023 2023 2024 * 2024 * 2024 *
15 0,065727 0,043817 0,090374 0,072267 0,048177 0,099366
20 0,065727 0,043817 0,090374 0,072267 0,048177 0,099366
25 0,087636 0,058424 0,120499 0,096356 0,064237 0,132489
30 0,087636 0,058424 0,120499 0,096356 0,064237 0,132489
40 0,109545 0,073029 0,150623 0,120445 0,080295 0,16561
50 0,175272 0,116846 0,240997 0,192712 0,128472 0,264976
65 0,219088 0,14606 0,301247 0,240887 0,160593 0,331221
80 0,328634 0,219088 0,45187 0,361333 0,240887 0,496831
100 0,438177 0,292118 0,602494 0,481776 0,321184 0,662442
150 0,547722 0,365147 0,753117 0,60222 0,401479 0,828052
>150 0,657265 0,438177 0,903741 0,722663 0,481776 0,993663