
Our headquarters in via Rimini in Milan were built to unite all the Group's offices in one place. Its shape recalls that of an ark floating on the water, to represent both the public nature of the company and the service designed by CAP Group for the community. The building was built to add value to the neighbourhood, a space open to all with auditorium, nursery, bistro, and other services.

A water square

The theme of inspiration is precisely water and the interconnection of its networks that shape a building without fences.

A sustainable building

The project takes into account the latest principles of energy, environmental and economic sustainability. A real green building designed to guarantee optimal levels of comfort while reducing consumption. This is possible thanks to the ventilation and air treatment system that allows accurate temperature control of each environment. In addition, the water-sanitary system allows the use of adequately filtered drinking and non-potable water.

LEED Certification

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a certification programme developed by the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) that promotes a sustainable approach to buildings. The system is based on the allocation of “credits” for each envisaged standard: energy and water savings, reduction of CO2 emissions, improvement of the ecological quality of the interiors, materials and resources used, design and choice of site.

After an accurate mapping of the project characteristics, the building proved to have all the requirements to reach the “Gold” certification level, obtaining a high score for each of the six macro-categories and a sufficient number of points in various areas such as site sustainability, efficient water management, energy and environment, recyclable and recycled materials and resources, air quality control in built environments, high levels of design and innovation.

CENED Certification

CENED certification (Lombardy Region Building Energy Certification) is an evaluation procedure aimed at promoting the improvement of the energy performance of buildings in terms of energy efficiency. Certification allows to design and evaluate a building based on energy consumption and emissions. Buildings can be classified into eight energy classes, of which Class A is the highest.

The new CAP Group Headquarters is in the A3 bracket.

The process

We enthusiastically follow the progress of the works, from setting up the worksite to laying the first stone


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