Educational projects

Water is an asset for everyone. We are investing today to train tomorrow's adults to respect the environment and consciously use water resources.

Attentive to education

We work with all levels of schools on projects related to water and its conscious use: educational workshops, visits to our plants and laboratories, thematic lessons in the classroom. These tools help us spread behaviours and lifestyles which are more attentive to the protection of natural resources.

For schools

Environmental education courses in nursery and primary schools are created, in collaboration with schools and municipalities, to raise students' awareness of the conscious use of water.
Children and youth learn about the importance of water and the controls that ensure its quality and safety, the water service and the technologies that allow us to deliver water from the groundwater to homes.

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  • At school with zainetto blu
  • AcquaBook
  • Bluelab


The journey of our fun mascot Lady Gocciolina, the engaging creative workshop with water magic, a game on computational thinking, the coding of water, the laboratories of Dr. Lady Parsimonia.

These are some of the projects created for students of the Municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Milan served by CAP.


An in-depth educational course on the themes of environmental sustainability designed for fourth and fifth grade and middle school children.

An interactive map, four diversified educational activities that combine multimedia with know-how and an inter-school prize competition allow students to learn while having fun.

For information visit the site


School classes in the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Milan served by CAP are invited to Idroscalo Park.

Many socio-educational and cultural activities are planned for children between the ages of 4 and 13 in an active space for growth and learning.

High schools

Visiting a real analysis laboratory and finding out how the drinking water cycle works is possible and fun with the project The quality of our water for high schools. Designed in particular for technical and professional institutes, scientific high schools and high schools with a physical, chemical or biological orientation, the educational workshop is managed directly by our education staff, in collaboration with the analysis laboratory.

Participation is free for the high schools located in the territory where we operate. The programme includes an in-depth study of issues such as the water cycle, purification, sustainable use of water resources, and a guided visit to the analysis laboratory. During the project, analysis techniques and the organisation of internal controls are illustrated, ideally following the route taken by a sample of drinking water from the moment it enters the laboratory until the emission and printing of the final result.


For information on our educational projects or to register, write us.