Sustainable development
The Metropolitan Sponge City project developed by Gruppo CAP and metropolitan City of Milan won the "Sustainable Development Award 2024", taking the first place in the category Climate Neutrality and Nature Positive Solutions.
Top Utility Communication
Gruppo CAP is the best utility in communication. The award was given to the company for its ability to communicate to the outside world in a way that is always up-to-date, complete and integrated, with a user-friendly and exhaustive web presence, paying attention to all stakeholders.
Top Employer
For the sixth consecutive time, CAP Group is among the 2,300 companies worldwide (147 of which in Italy) where people work best according to Top Employers Institute. Wellbeing for CAP Group represents a new frontier of people's wellbeing promoted via a wide range of services and products that are an evolution of corporate welfare, an employee experience organised into 5 fundamental pillars: Emotional, Physical, Social, Financial and Professional.
Budget Oscar Award
We were among the finalists for the "Listed and unlisted utility or multi-utility" and "Special non-financial statement award" categories for the Budget Oscar Award. The award, consisting of 12 categories and three special prizes, is now in its 59th edition and annually aims to highlight the ability of companies to fully report their economic, social and environmental impacts
UN Global Compact
We Support
CAP Group supports United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. A commitment to align our strategies and actions with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By integrating sustainability into their business, companies can take shared responsibility towards a better world.
Since 2020 CAP has been enrolled in the WHP promoted by ATS (the local health authority). This programme aims to promote organisational changes in workplaces to make them favourable environments for the adoption and dissemination of healthy lifestyles. The WHP programme is part of the actions under the Regional Prevention Plan of the Lombardy Region and has been approved by the Ministry of Health. In March 2023, we obtained the WHP certification for the activities carried out during 2022.
Sustainability Award
We have been classed among the 100 Italian companies with the highest ESG ratings. This prize rewards those who make sustainable development an integral part of their corporate DNA by arranging their processes, systems and resources in such a way that they can reduce their environmental and social impact.
Top Employer
Great attention to corporate well-being, work-life balance initiatives, continuous training to improve personnel skills, engagement activities to build experiences and increase the culture of sustainability, promotion of corporate volunteering and, of course, an increasingly flexible, thanks to smart working and the modern spaces of the new headquarters. CAP is once again confirmed as Top Employers Italy in 2023.
The project was awarded the prize “Lombardia Innovativa. Dove il futuro è in anticipo”. The prize rewards supply chains of excellence that adopt models capable of generating value and increasing the competitiveness of the territory.
Bim&Digital Awards
CAP Group won the Bim&Digital Award 2022 in the PA and Digitisation category, with the project “The Nord Milano aqueduct system: the Cornaredo plant and trunk line”, a maxi-intervention aimed to increase the resilience and optimise the functioning of the aqueducts north and west of Milan, reduce social impact, guarantee supply even in the presence of potential criticalities, and have a substantial water surplus of excellent quality.
“Budget Oscar” Award
CAP Group qualified as one of the finalists in the “Large Unlisted Companies” category for the “Oscar di Bilancio” (Budget Oscar) award. The award, with nine categories and three special prizes, is now in its 58th year and each year aims to highlight the ability of companies to fully report on their economic, social and environmental impacts".
Top Utility Ten Years
CAP Group received the Top Utility Ten Years Award, for the company that has collected the most awards over the ten years that Top Utility has run. The award, established to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the event, was presented to the company "which in the various editions has excelled both in specific areas, such as innovation and sustainability, and in its overall activities". CAP Group also received two nominations for the Communication and Sustainability categories.
IGI Company
CAP Group ranked fourth place in the category Top 4 unlisted companies. IGI, now in its seventh edition, is the only quantitative model for analysing the integration of ESG factors into a company's strategies, and checks how a company approaches sustainability by changing its governance and defining its corporate ESG identity.
Top Employer
CAP is reconfirmed Top Employers for the fourth consecutive year. The initiatives that contributed to being awarded the certification include Mission 2033, co-design workshops open to everyone at CAP for the purpose of promoting the objectives of the Sustainability Plan, and the CAP ID - Digital. Open. Human., which addresses the issues of digitization. CAP HR policies are based on cutting-edge strategies that focus on continuous training, which in 2020 totalled a package of over 19,000 hours.
IGI Company
The approval of the Sustainability Plan in 2019, the integration of ESG factors into corporate strategies and all-round commitment to sustainability in the management of the integrated water service. This approach by CAP Group was rewarded by third place - among unlisted companies - in the Integrated Governance Index 2021, the model promoted by Eticanews and TopLegal which assesses the degree of integration of sustainability in corporate strategies.
Oscar di Bilancio
We were among the finalists for the ‘Listed and unlisted utility or multi-utility’ and ‘Special non-financial statement award’ categories for the Oscar di Bilancio. The award, consisting of 12 categories and three special prizes, is now in its 59th edition and annually aims to highlight the ability of companies to fully report their economic, social and environmental impacts.
Top Employer
Continuous and wide-ranging training, unconventional activities aimed at building a sense of belonging and identity, people empowerment, corporate welfare aimed at tackling the hardships of the pandemic: these HR policies have led CAP Group to receive the Top Employers Italy award for the third year running, making it one of the 1,600 best-performing companies in the world.
Top Utility RSE
CAP Group has won the RSE Top Utility Research and Innovation Award for the second time in 3 years, having already achieved the award in 2019, in addition to the Absolute Top Utility award in 2017 and the Top Utility Communication award in 2018. The award was given to the company “for showing commitment, passion and consistency in research and development and for having put important resources behind the realization and promotion of these projects”.
Top Employer
CAP Group is for the second consecutive year one of the Italian companies where you work best thanks to the adoption of policies dedicated to training and welfare. The Top Employers Italia 2020 certified companies stand out for their commitment to providing the best working conditions for their employees and are subject to a careful analysis process, the results of which are subjected to a scrupulous audit, in order to guarantee the achievement of the high standards required.
SMAU Innovation Award
The CAP Group was awarded the Smau 2020 Innovation Award thanks to the "electronic detectives" that are used to identify pollutants in purification plants and to trace illegal discharges, reduce bad odors and the environmental impact. The award was awarded on 20 October at Smau Milano, the event reserved for the most innovative companies, administrations and entities in the area.
In 2019, ItaliaDecide chose the theme of water management and distribution, with the aim of enhancing the excellent services that operate throughout the cycle. CAP Group has been awarded for the efficiency of its service that guarantees the supply of safe, controlled water to the territory where it operates, also allowing the production of biomethane and fertilisers. The Group also stands out for its commitment to activating support policies for families suffering hardships.
Sustainable PA
CAP Group has been awarded for the Innovate H2O project, created to find and support the most promising ideas related to innovation in the integrated water system. The project selects the best proposals that can promote sustainable water consumption. The objective is to reward the productivity of ideas and promote their application on an industrial scale and along the water supply chain.
Innovation & Research
CAP Group wins the Top Utility Innovation & Research Award for the development of cutting-edge projects in the water sector for the fifth time in a row thanks to the Horizon 2020 project. The epicentre of the project is the Peschiera Borromeo water purification plant, where digital and technological solutions are studied to assess and minimise the risks of the treated sewage water irrigation system as part of the wider sanitation safety plan.
Top Employers
The Top Employers Italia 2019 certification was announced by the Top Employers Institute, a global and independent organisation that certifies excellence in the fields of HR by analysing and ranking the leading companies through an HR Best Practice Survey. The factors that contributed to the selection of CAP Group included its careful human resources development policy that places employees at the centre as a prerequisite for the management of an innovative Integrated Water Service.
After winning the Top Absolute Utility award in 2017, CAP Group has won the Top Utility Communication award. CAP Group received the award “for the high level of administrative transparency, for the effectiveness of communication activities aimed at all stakeholders and for the ability to listen to the requests of the numerous local communities where the company operates”.
Responsible companies
CAP Group won for its projects with positive impacts on the environment, for the quality of work and relationships with staff, for initiatives in favour of civil society and the community in its territory, for the quality of relations with customers and consumers, with suppliers and partners, for the commitment to support responsible strategies for company governance and management.
Circular economy
The National Award is sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Alliance, Authentic Villages of Italy, Coordination of Local Agendas 21 and Economondo-Key Energy. Cap Group was awarded for the KM 0 Biomethane project - a circular economy application for the innovation and replicable nature of the intervention.
2017 confirms CAP Group as Top Absolute Utility. The award was given on the basis of the excellent results obtained with particular reference to operational performance, the relationship with customers and the territory and the high level of administrative transparency.
After the Communication Award obtained in 2015, 2016 focused on environmental management and Corporate Social Responsibility policies. Awarded among companies such as A2A, Acea, Aimag and Edison, CAP has demonstrated efficiency in terms of resource use, impacts, carbon and water footprint, waste production and treatment, recovery and recycling and social responsibility towards the community and human resources.