Milan, 14 September 2023. Promoting business legality and sustainability, preventing the infiltration of public procurement by organised crime, encouraging the development of virtuous behaviour among industrial partners. CAP Group, the green utility that manages the integrated water service for the metropolitan city of Milan, and Assimpredil Ance, the association of construction companies in Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza, today signed an 'Agreement for the promotion of Legality and Principles of Sustainability in the Supply Chain', which aims to apply the Legality Protocol of Ance and the Ministry of the Interior to the entire supply chain and to promote adherence to the 'Sustainable Construction Site' Code of Conduct promoted by Assimpredil Ance. CAP and Assimpredil Ance have long been committed to the dissemination of a culture of legality and sustainability, promoting joint initiatives in the areas of procurement, governance and relations with partners and stakeholders. In every sector, including the construction sector, CAP Group implements all the controls required by law to prevent corruption and the infiltration of organised crime, through the National Anti-Mafia Database and prefectural white lists. The new Agreement reinforces the adoption of virtuous behaviour and the prevention and combating of criminal infiltration in the construction sector through the promotion of three initiatives implemented by Assimpredil Ance. The first is the Legality Protocol signed between ANCE and the Ministry of the Interior, the main objective of which is to prevent mafia infiltration in the construction sector. The second is the 'Sustainable Construction Site’ Code of Conduct, which commits companies to decarbonisation, environmental protection, legality of business, legality of work, safety and social responsibility. The third is the Memorandum of Understanding with the Opera Prison Administration for the promotion of release work by detainees to promote their reintegration into society. According to the agreement with Assimpredil Ance, CAP is committed to promoting and enhancing adherence to all these initiatives by the companies it works with, in particular through its Vendor Rating. This is the algorithm through which CAP manages the rotation of partner companies in the awarding of contracts, which was renewed at the start of 2023. Operators adhering to the Protocols and Code of Conduct of Assimpredil Ance will be given extra points in the Vendor Rating for Legality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Environment respectively. CAP hopes that this will give rise to a virtuous circle involving not only the direct partners, but the entire supply chain, thus including all actors involved in the contracts concluded, including subcontracts and sub-subcontracts.
The collaboration between CAP Group and Assimpredil Ance continues with the signing of the Agreement for the Promotion of Legality and the Principles of Sustainability in the Supply Chain. In the last year alone, CAP and Assimpredil Ance, together with the Metropolitan City of Milan, have presented the project Città Metropolitana Spugna (Metropolitan Sponge City), an ambitious plan of redevelopment works to prevent flooding, combat soil erosion and the effects of climate change on the entire Milanese hinterland, which includes 90 works in 32 municipalities, for an investment of EUR 50 million under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). Last year, on the other hand, a plan was drawn up to respond quickly and concretely to the rising prices of raw materials and energy, which led to the adoption of extraordinary measures to support partner companies, in order to preserve the continuity of their construction sites and the activities of their suppliers, and to ensure an essential public service such as water supply.